Integrating Chinese Medicine and Low Level Laser Therapy may be tools to support post surgical healing.
Surgery is a transformative experience aimed at improving your health and well-being. It involves skilled surgeons to carefully intervene, whether by repairing, removing, or replacing parts of the body.
The healing process that follows surgery is a crucial phase of recovery. Initially, it may involve managing pain, addressing any complications/side effects, and adhering to post-operative care instructions. The body starts to repair itself, gradually rebuilding strength and restoring function. This period can vary greatly depending on the type of surgery, the individual’s overall health, and how well one adheres to prescribed recovery protocols. With time, patience, and proper care, the journey from surgery to recovery often leads to improved health and well-being, marking a step towards a healthier future.
Integrating Chinese medicine, Acupuncture and Low Level Laser Therapy can be tools that support healthy inflammatory response, pain management and enhanced healing.
What happens to the body post surgery?
- Inflammation: Immediately after surgery, inflammation sets in which is the body’s immune response to tissue damage. This causes swelling, redness, warmth and pain at the surgical site.
- Healing and Repair: The body initiates the process of tissue repair and regeneration. Collagen is produced to rebuild damaged tissues and new blood vessels form to supply oxygen and nutrients to the area.
- Immune Response: The immune system continues to monitor and protect the healing site to prevent infection.
Chinese Medicine Perspective
TCM Principles: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches post-surgical care with the goal of restoring balance and harmony in the body’s Qi flow and promoting blood circulation.
Our goal is to enhance immune function in the surgical area, initiating the body’s natural healing response. We aim to regulate the inflammatory response and support blood flow, thereby reducing pain and accelerating healing. We achieve this by way of Acupuncture (hair fine needles that are inserted under the skin) or Chinese herbal medicine that can be taken in tea form or prescription and is created for your unique diagnosis and needs.
Integrating Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
This modern therapeutic approach involves the application of low-power laser light (red light and infrared light) to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation. Benefits include:
- Pain Management: LLLT may help alleviate post-surgical pain by stimulating nerve cells and releasing endorphins.
- Accelerated Healing: Enhances cellular metabolism and collagen production, speeding up wound healing and reducing scar formation.
- Reduced Inflammation: Modulates inflammatory processes, promoting a balanced immune response without adverse effects.
Holistic Care Plan: A Comprehensive Approach
A personalized post-surgical care plan integrating TCM and LLLT may include:
- Initial Recovery Phase (approximately 2 weeks post surgery): Focus on wound care, pain management with acupuncture and LLLT to support organ function and reduce inflammation.
- Mid-Recovery Phase (approximately 2-8 weeks post surgery): Transition to strengthening Qi and blood with acupuncture and tailored herbal formulas, incorporating dietary therapy for sustained energy and digestive support.
- Long-Term Support (10 weeks to 1 year post surgery): Maintain hormonal balance (especially after hysterectomy), prevent fibroid recurrence (after myomectomy), and support overall well-being through ongoing acupuncture sessions and lifestyle adjustments.
Integrating Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Low Level Laser Therapy may be considered for any of the following surgeries:
- C-Section
- Myomectomy
- Hysterectomy
- Joint Replacement Surgeries
- Prostate surgeries
- Breast surgeries
Pre-Surgery Preparation: Traditional Chinese Medicine believes in restoring balance back into the body. We suggest having a few sessions pre-operatively to help the body restore resilience and resources it needs to support healing and recovery. Advice will vary based on your individual health needs.