All Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine therapies are performed by a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. We complete a full intake and diagnosis according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, providing individualized treatment plans to help you feel your healthiest, inside and out. These are a few areas we focus in:
Pain Management Acupuncture
Chronic pain can change your life, limit your ability to accomplish daily tasks, and is overall exhausting and frustrating to endure. Acupuncture may provide a safe, natural means to help decrease inflammation, improve mobility, and facilitate healing.
Cosmetic Acupuncture/Facial Rejuvenation
Cosmetic Acupuncture is the use of Chinese herbal masks and tiny acupuncture needles to help reduce fine lines, help lift tired muscles, even skin tone and help you feel your healthier self.
Pregnancy Care Acupuncture
If you are struggling with pregnancy related pain, nausea, insomnia or anxiety, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine may ease your symptoms.
Acupuncture for Labour
Looking for a natural and safe way to help prepare and promote labour? If you are approaching your due date or have reached 40 weeks in your pregnancy, Acupuncture may be able to help. Let us help you as you prepare for a healthy labour and delivery!
Fertility Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine may help bring your body back in balance, ensuring hormones, stress and nutrients are at its best to help your odds of conceiving. Let us help you achieve your unique health goals.
Post Partum Care
Taking care of a new baby is exciting, exhausting and can be filled with anxiety. Caring for your physical and mental wellbeing is an important part of nurturing your baby. If you are having trouble with lactation, are in pain or have post-partum depression our tailored treatments may be able to help you.
Stress Management Acupuncture
If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, having trouble sleeping, irritable and frustrated, these are all common signs of stress. Stress can be the cause of many of our health concerns. Dealing and managing how you respond to stress is one way to ensure you remain healthy. Acupuncture can help restore your body’s reserves and help give you a new perspective on stress, allowing your body to better process and respond to the stress of life.