Infertility can arise when one or both partners have physiological or structural factors that affect reproduction. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine seeks to address these concerns by restoring balance and helping to reduce adverse health symptoms.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be used alone or alongside western medical fertility treatments such as fertility drugs, surgery, artificial insemination, IVF, GIFT, ZIFT, and ICSI to help reduce side effects, improve stress management and optimize overall health in the attempt to improve chances of conceiving.
Common concerns that may be helped include:
- Unexplained Infertility
- Poor Egg Quality and Low Ovarian Reserve
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Endometriosis
- Difficulties with Ovulation (Anovulation)
- Tubal blockages
Note: Treatment reactions may vary from person to person and will depend on an individuals unique health history.**
Natural cycles
We can help support your natural cycle, aiding in identifying your ovulation window and taking some of the stress away from trying to conceive. [read more…]
Reproductive Technology has helped immensely in improving fertility rates for couples having difficulty in conceiving. We can help support you through this process [read more…]
Poor Egg Quality and Low Ovarian Reserve
Low ovarian reserve or low egg quality is a common diagnosis. Our purpose is to help balance, restore and nourish you to help achieve a healthier egg. [read more…]